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Best 5 AI Tools for Public Speaking (Compared)

Best 5 AI Tools for Public Speaking (Compared)

Artificial Intelligence

Best 5 AI Tools for Public Speaking (Compared)

In the world of artificial intelligence, using AI tools for public speaking is a big step forward. These tools help improve speaking skills and tackle common challenges for speakers of all levels. By using AI technology, they give helpful tips on delivering speeches, organizing content, and engaging with the audience.

We’ll check out top AI tools for public speaking that aim to enhance different aspects of speaking in public.

Top AI Tools for Public Speaking to Improve Your Conference Talk

Nervous about your next conference talk? Don’t sweat it! AI has some cool tools to help you rock the stage. Imagine robots giving tips on your speech! Tools like Orai listen to you practice and point out things like speaking too fast or using “um” too much. Others, like Jasper, help you write clear and engaging words, while some even understand your audience to craft a talk just for them. So, with AI as your sidekick, you can polish your talk, boost your confidence, and deliver a conference knockout!

AI Tools for Public Speaking


Yoodli is an innovative AI public speaking coach that changes how people improve communication. It gives personal, instant coaching and feedback, letting users enhance their speaking skills without the stress of a live audience. Trusted by 100,000+ professionals, Yoodli proves its effectiveness and dependability.

Yoodli’s main draw is its personalized analytics, breaking down how you speak, both visually and verbally. It gives helpful feedback, perfect for different situations like online meetings or job interviews. Yoodli stands out for its versatility.

Here are the key things about Yoodli:

  1. Smart Analysis: Yoodli deeply looks at your speaking style, covering things like how fast you talk and your use of filler words. These are crucial for polished communication.
  2. Instant Coaching: Yoodli can privately coach you while you’re in an online meeting, providing feedback and guidance as you speak.
  3. Tailored Settings: The tool has AI-driven audience settings and follow-up questions, simulating different speaking situations for practice.
  4. Track Your Progress: Yoodli lets you measure your speaking style and see how you’re improving over time, helping you get better at public speaking.
  5. Easy to Use: Yoodli is a free desktop app, making it easily available. People often compare it to “Grammarly for speech.”

In a nutshell, Yoodli is an all-in-one solution for boosting your public speaking skills, combining the strength of AI with personalized coaching.


Verble is an AI tool that helps you write speeches by focusing on talking persuasively and telling stories. What makes it special is its easy-to-use chat interface. You can have a conversation with the AI assistant to kickstart the process of preparing your speech.

Verble is unique because it guides users with specific questions, helping them express their ideas clearly. The tool takes these responses and cleverly turns them into a well-organized speech draft. What makes Verble stand out is that it includes advice from speech coaches who have studied successful speakers worldwide.

Verble is a helpful tool for various speaking situations, such as business pitches, keynote speeches, wedding talks, and even specialized medical presentations. It’s easy to use and has an innovative approach, making it great for preparing impactful speeches quickly.

Key Features:

  1. Chat Interface Powered by AI: Makes speech preparation engaging and intuitive through a conversational approach.
  2. Tailored Speech Crafting: The AI assistant asks relevant questions to help users refine their thoughts, customizing the speech for the audience and occasion.
  3. Expert Insights: Includes techniques from renowned speech coaches to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the speech content.
  4. Versatility: Suitable for different speaking engagements, from formal business presentations to personal events like weddings.
  5. Accessibility: Verble’s online platform allows for convenient access anytime, anywhere, giving it an edge over traditional in-person coaching.

Verble stands out as an innovative solution for speech preparation, blending the convenience of AI with the art of effective communication.


Gabble is a smart communication coach that uses AI. It helps people get better at talking and listening in a private environment. The app gives personalized feedback to make users better at expressing themselves. It’s great for improving important skills, reducing fear of public speaking, and making people more impactful speakers.

Gabble’s design focuses on helping users grow and feel more confident. It creates a non-judgmental space for people to practice and improve their communication skills. Users, including students and professionals, have given the app positive reviews, highlighting improvements in speaking and overall confidence.

Key Features of Gabble:

  1. Personalized Feedback: Gabble gives customized advice, addressing each user’s specific needs and areas for improvement.
  2. Real-Time AI Conversations: The tool enables live conversations using AI, providing practical and interactive speaking practice.
  3. Vocabulary Enhancement: Gabble emphasizes improving vocabulary, helping users choose words more precisely.
  4. Judgment-Free Practice Space: The app provides a safe and supportive environment for users to enhance their communication skills.
  5. Widespread Use: Gabble is widely used by thousands of individuals, including students and professionals, to enhance their communication skills.

Gabble demonstrates the effectiveness of AI in personal development, offering a user-friendly approach to improving communication skills comprehensively.

Virtual Orator

Virtual Orator is a modern virtual reality (VR) simulator made to boost public speaking abilities. It mimics real speaking situations using VR technology. This unique tool lets users practice speeches in front of virtual crowds. Users can customize settings like the venue, audience size, and behavior to match their training preferences.

Virtual Orator stands out due to its unique recording feature, capturing both the virtual setting and the user through a webcam. This is great for those who want to assess their performances or seek feedback. Accessible on VR platforms like SideQuest and Steam, it accommodates a broad user base.

Key Features:

  1. VR Audience Simulation: Simulates public speaking scenarios for diverse practice.
  2. Customization: Tailor sessions by adjusting venue, audience size, and behavior.
  3. Recording: Capture both environment and speaker for detailed review.
  4. Accessibility: Available on SideQuest and Steam for different VR setups.
  5. Overcoming Anxiety: Ideal for conquering public speaking fears and perfecting presentations.

Virtual Orator offers a unique and immersive approach to public speaking training, providing a secure space for users to enhance their speaking skills.


Orai is an app that uses AI to help people get better at public speaking and communication. It gives interactive lessons and analyzes your speech, giving you feedback right away. The app is made for all skill levels and adjusts its lessons to help you build confidence, speak clearly, control your pace, modulate your voice, and use fewer filler words.

Orai, a widely-used app, helps individuals and organizations enhance speaking skills and overcome public speaking anxiety. It’s versatile, benefiting personal and professional development. Users praise it for boosting confidence and articulation.

Key Features:

  1. Interactive Lessons: Engaging and dynamic lessons make learning interactive and enjoyable.
  2. Detailed Speech Analysis: Get in-depth feedback on recorded speeches for instant improvement.
  3. Personalized Learning Path: Orai suggests tailored lessons based on your skill level for steady progress.
  4. Comprehensive Skill Development: Focus on key aspects like confidence, clarity, pacing, and voice quality.
  5. Wide Application: Used by diverse users for personal and professional growth.
  6. Proven Effectiveness: Praised for significantly improving speaking skills, fostering confidence.

Orai is a comprehensive tool, using AI to offer a personalized and effective public speaking learning experience.

Final Thoughts

AI revolutionizes how we communicate. Tools like Yoodli’s speech coaching and Verble’s AI speech-writing assistant provide distinct solutions for improving public speaking. They tackle issues like reducing anxiety, enhancing language, and offering real-time feedback. The progress of these AI tools marks a big leap in making quality speaking coaching more available and personalized.

As AI evolves, it holds the potential to enhance public speaking, enabling users to communicate confidently in various situations.

Shivam Gupta has been writing professionally for close to 8 years and, as well as a great fondness for Technology, lifestyle, history, health and politics, he's largely specialized in technology for much of his career.

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